by hoiantourguide

January to June

Hoi An Weather in January: Winter’s Chill

**Temperature:** Averages 18°C (64°F) during the day and 10°C (50°F) at night

Hoi An’s winter months, from December to February, bring a refreshing chill to the air. The temperature cools down significantly, making it an ideal time to explore the ancient town without the scorching heat. Mornings are crisp and clear, with a gentle breeze that carries the sweet scent of incense wafting from the Embroidery, sewing workshop by Little Daisy Hoi An or lantern-making workshops. As the day progresses, the sun shines brightly, casting a warm glow over the town’s ancient architecture.

**Precipitation:** January is one of the driest months in Hoi An, with an average of only 12 mm (0.5 in) of rainfall throughout the month

Despite the cooler temperatures, January remains a relatively dry month in Hoi An, making it an excellent time for outdoor activities like cycling or walking around the town. The rainforests surrounding Hoi An are also less humid during this time, allowing for easier exploration and a more comfortable hike. The dry weather also makes it an ideal time for boat trips along the Thu Bon River or exploring the nearby Cham Islands.

Hoi An Weather in February: Spring Awakening

**Temperature:** Averages 22°C (72°F) during the day and 16°C (61°F) at night

As February arrives, Hoi An begins to transition into spring. The temperatures rise slightly, and the air is filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers and freshly cut grass. The morning sun shines brightly, casting a warm glow over the town’s ancient architecture, and the gentle breeze carries the sound of birds chirping and children playing. This is an excellent time to explore Hoi An’s many temples and pagodas, as the cooler weather makes it more comfortable to wander around.

**Precipitation:** February sees an increase in rainfall, with an average of 20 mm (0.8 in) throughout the month

As spring takes hold, Hoi An begins to see more rainfall, with February being one of the wettest months of the year. However, this doesn’t deter tourists from visiting, as the lush greenery and vibrant flowers create a picturesque backdrop for exploration. The rain also fills up the rivers and streams surrounding Hoi An, making it an excellent time for boat trips or water sports.

Hoi An Weather By Months

Hoi An Weather in March: Spring in Full Bloom**

**Temperature:** Averages 25°C (77°F) during the day and 20°C (68°F) at night

March is usually one of the warmest months in Hoi An, with temperatures rising further as spring reaches its peak. The air is filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers, and the vibrant colors of bougainvillea and frangipani trees create a stunning backdrop for exploration. The warm weather makes it an ideal time for outdoor activities like cycling or hiking, while the evening temperatures remain pleasant enough for strolls along the riverfront.

**Precipitation:** March sees a significant increase in rainfall, with an average of 40 mm (1.6 in) throughout the month

As spring reaches its peak in March, Hoi An experiences more frequent and intense rainfall showers. However, these sudden downpours are often followed by clear blue skies and sunshine, making it essential to pack accordingly – light rain jackets or umbrellas can be lifesavers! The increased rainfall also fills up waterways and irrigation systems, making it an excellent time for boat trips or visits to local farms.

Hoi An Weather in April: Summer Begins**

**Temperature:** Averages 28°C (82°F) during the day and 22°C (72°F) at night

April marks the official start of summer in Hoi An, with temperatures rising further as the sun beats down on the town. The air is hot and humid, but the evenings remain pleasant enough for strolls along the riverfront or visits to local markets. This is an excellent time to explore Hoi An’s many beaches, such as Cua Dai Beach or An Bang Beach, which offer relief from the heat.

**Precipitation:** April sees a significant decrease in rainfall, with an average of only 10 mm (0.4 in) throughout the month

As summer begins in April, Hoi An experiences a significant drop in rainfall. The dry weather makes it an ideal time for outdoor activities like beach trips or water sports, while the cooler evenings provide a welcome respite from the heat. However, be prepared for occasional heatwaves during this time – stay hydrated and take breaks in shady areas when needed!

Hoi An Weather in May: Summer Heat**

**Temperature:** Averages 30°C (86°F) during the day and 24°C (75°F) at night

May is usually one of the hottest months in Hoi An, with temperatures reaching their peak during this time. The air is hot and humid, making it essential to stay hydrated and take breaks in shaded areas when needed. However, this is also an excellent time to explore Hoi An’s many indoor attractions like museums or cultural centers.

**Precipitation:** May sees minimal rainfall, with an average of only 5 mm (0.2 in) throughout the month

As summer continues into May, Hoi An experiences little to no rainfall. The dry weather makes it an ideal time for outdoor activities like boat trips or cycling tours around town. However, be prepared for intense heatwaves during this time – stay hydrated and take care to avoid heat exhaustion.

Hoi An Weather in June: Summer’s End**

**Temperature:** Averages 29°C (84°F) during the day and 23°C (73°F) at night

June marks the beginning of summer’s end in Hoi An, with temperatures slowly decreasing as autumn approaches. The air remains hot and humid during the day but cools down slightly at night. This is an excellent time to explore Hoi An’s many outdoor attractions like markets or temples before they close for monsoon season.

**Precipitation:** June sees a slight increase in rainfall, with an average of 15 mm (0.6 in) throughout the month

As summer begins to wind down in June, Hoi An starts to see more frequent rainfall showers. While these sudden downpours can be inconvenient at times, they also bring much-needed relief from the heat. Be prepared for occasional rain showers when planning your activities – bring umbrellas or light rain jackets just in case!

I hope you enjoyed this overview of Hoi An’s weather by month!

Little Daisy Hoi An (littledaisyhoian.com) offers embroidery & sewing & crochet workshop open daily with customizable time to join. Immerse yourself to the work of artisans and learn the skills that benefit you lifetime.

July to December

Hoi An Weather in July: Monsoon Season Begins

**Temperature:** Averages 28°C (82°F) during the day and 22°C (72°F) at night

July marks the beginning of the monsoon season in Hoi An, with increased rainfall and humidity making it an ideal time to stay indoors. The rain brings a lush greenery to the town’s surroundings, and the cooler evenings are perfect for exploring the local markets or trying out street food. Be prepared for occasional heavy downpours and plan your activities accordingly.

**Precipitation:** July sees an average of 50 mm (2 in) of rainfall throughout the month, making it one of the wettest months of the year

Hoi An Weather in August: Monsoon Season in Full Swing.

**Temperature:** Averages 27°C (81°F) during the day and 21°C (70°F) at night

August is usually one of the wettest months in Hoi An, with continuous rain showers and high humidity making it challenging to explore the outdoors. However, this is also an excellent time to experience the town’s rich culture and history, with many indoor attractions like museums and cultural centers offering refuge from the rain. Take advantage of the cooler evenings to explore the local markets or try out some delicious street food.

**Precipitation:** August sees an average of 60 mm (2.4 in) of rainfall throughout the month, making it one of the wettest months of the year

Hoi An Weather in September: Monsoon Season Winds Down**

**Temperature:** Averages 26°C (79°F) during the day and 20°C (68°F) at night

As September arrives, Hoi An starts to see a slight decrease in rainfall, marking the beginning of the end of monsoon season. The air remains cool and humid, making it an ideal time for outdoor activities like cycling or walking around town. Take advantage of the cooler evenings to explore local attractions like temples or pagodas.

**Precipitation:** September sees an average of 30 mm (1.2 in) of rainfall throughout the month, a significant decrease from previous months

Hoi An Weather in October: Autumn Arrives – Rainy season starts

**Temperature:** Averages 24°C (75°F) during the day and 18°C (64°F) at night

October marks the arrival of autumn in Hoi An, with temperatures dropping significantly as winter approaches. The air is crisp and cool, making it an excellent time for outdoor activities like hiking or biking. The sun sets later in the evening, allowing for more time to explore local attractions like markets or temples.

**Precipitation:** October sees an average of 10 mm (0.4 in) of rainfall throughout the month, making it one of the driest months of the year

Hoi An Weather in November: Cooler Temperatures.

**Temperature:** Averages 22°C (72°F) during the day and 16°C (61°F) at night

November is usually one of the coolest months in Hoi An, with temperatures dropping further as winter approaches. The air is crisp and cool, making it an ideal time for outdoor activities like cycling or walking around town. Take advantage of the cooler evenings to explore local attractions like temples or pagodas.

**Precipitation:** November sees an average of 5 mm (0.2 in) of rainfall throughout the month, making it one of the driest months of the year

Hoi An Weather in December: Winter Arrives

**Temperature:** Averages 20°C (68°F) during the day and 14°C (57°F) at night

December marks the arrival of winter in Hoi An, with temperatures dropping significantly as the dry season approaches. The air is cool and crisp, making it an excellent time for outdoor activities like hiking or biking. Take advantage of the cooler evenings to explore local attractions like markets or temples.

**Precipitation:** December sees an average of 2 mm (0.08 in) of rainfall throughout the month, making it one of the driest months of the year

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